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Discover and let go of unconscious habits that have been reducing the range and variability of your breathing. Feel better and move better. (By the way - People have also reported that these sessions help them sleep better and more deeply. And they can also help stop and eliminate back pain).
The first 4 sessions below are short, simple, easy-to-do and powerful. Even a child can do them! And they require no special skill. Suitable for beginners and advanced students alike. The final 2 sessions are a bit longer and more complicated. However, I highly recommend that you try them. They are from the famed "Alexander Yanai" sessions and are highly unique and useful.
Not designed to teach you the "correct" way to breathe, but to help your mind and body open up and find more space to breathe. It can also very quickly get your out of your head and into your body, for gentle but quick stress release. A wonderful session to return to over and over again. Feldenkrais taught variations of this session for decades. This particular version is based on Alexander Yanai 21: Contracting the Abdomen While Exhaling.
This breathing session adds some unique variations to the session above. It can really help to open up your ribs, chest, and spine. It also contains movement variations from several sessions in Moshe's "Awareness Through Movement" book. Feldenkrais only included sessions in that book that he felt were crucial to benefit from the work.
This session is a classic! Based on Moshe's Alexander Yanai #179, called "To Weld By Breathing," this is a session that is important to have in your personal library. It will not only open up your ribs and chest in ways that you have likely never thought of, but it can also seem like a new session every time that you do it! This is a favorite of many Feldenkrais students and practitioners. You can use it to dramatically reduce or eliminate any stress response you may have, to fall asleep and increase your breathing capacity.
You can do this session sitting down or lying down...whatever you wish. It is a 21-minute "orienting" session based on one of Irene Lyon's sessions called "Cultivating The Exhale." Very relaxing and grounding and potentially very illuminating.
Those of you who are already familiar with me and my work know that I am committed to sharing rare and hard to find sessions. And that I want everyone to have access to the full range of Moshe's work. That is why I am presenting to you the two free bonus sessions below. They may feel a bit strange, so go slow and only do what feels comfortable. The first one threw me into some weird "trancy" space when I first did it. And I could not complete it the first few times that I did it. But I still enjoyed it and got a great deal out of it.
This is a long session - nearly an hour. But no need to do the whole thing, you can just do a few minutes and benefit from it. Full disclosure: I consider this version of the session to be a beta version, a first approximation. Though it is a fantastic session, it has a ton of variations and I am wondering if it would be better split up into two session. So when I teach and record it again it will likely be different. THIS version sticks very closely to how Moshe sequenced and taught the session. Again, do as much or as little as you want.
Do you breathe out of both nostrils? Do you use both to speak? How clearly? This session will help you answer those questions and give you (potentially) a whole host of benefits. It can help your breathing, improve your speaking and clean out your nasal passages. Have some tissue nearby just in case! Bye the way - You can do this session however you want - sitting, standing, or lying down.
These are different than previous "seesaw" breathing sessions that you may have done with me as they involve new positions. In particular, you are going to be on your back and on your right side and on your left side at various times. There are also a few movements on your stomach.
These are gentle but complex sessions. Deeply expand your chest and ribs.
Stand, shift your weight, and play with your breathing. Great for balance and organizing yourself for action. It has many subtle effects which you could feel for days and days. Take many pauses for this one.
Further distintions in breathing, standing and walking. From the standpoint of survival - being able to orient our head and eyes, to shift, breathe and move our bodies at a moment's notice - helps us to track prey (like a hunter) and avoid becoming prey (seeing the lion before he sees us).
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Discover and let go of unconscious habits that have been reducing the range and variability of your breathing. Feel better and move better. (By the way - People have also reported that these sessions help them sleep better and more deeply. And they can also help stop and eliminate back pain).
The first 4 sessions below are short, simple, easy-to-do and powerful. Even a child can do them! And they require no special skill. Suitable for beginners and advanced students alike. The final 2 sessions are a bit longer and more complicated. However, I highly recommend that you try them. They are from the famed "Alexander Yanai" sessions and are highly unique and useful.
Not designed to teach you the "correct" way to breathe, but to help your mind and body open up and find more space to breathe. It can also very quickly get your out of your head and into your body, for gentle but quick stress release. A wonderful session to return to over and over again. Feldenkrais taught variations of this session for decades. This particular version is based on Alexander Yanai 21: Contracting the Abdomen While Exhaling.
This breathing session adds some unique variations to the session above. It can really help to open up your ribs, chest, and spine. It also contains movement variations from several sessions in Moshe's "Awareness Through Movement" book. Feldenkrais only included sessions in that book that he felt were crucial to benefit from the work.
This session is a classic! Based on Moshe's Alexander Yanai #179, called "To Weld By Breathing," this is a session that is important to have in your personal library. It will not only open up your ribs and chest in ways that you have likely never thought of, but it can also seem like a new session every time that you do it! This is a favorite of many Feldenkrais students and practitioners. You can use it to dramatically reduce or eliminate any stress response you may have, to fall asleep and increase your breathing capacity.
You can do this session sitting down or lying down...whatever you wish. It is a 21-minute "orienting" session based on one of Irene Lyon's sessions called "Cultivating The Exhale." Very relaxing and grounding and potentially very illuminating.
Those of you who are already familiar with me and my work know that I am committed to sharing rare and hard to find sessions. And that I want everyone to have access to the full range of Moshe's work. That is why I am presenting to you the two free bonus sessions below. They may feel a bit strange, so go slow and only do what feels comfortable. The first one threw me into some weird "trancy" space when I first did it. And I could not complete it the first few times that I did it. But I still enjoyed it and got a great deal out of it.
This is a long session - nearly an hour. But no need to do the whole thing, you can just do a few minutes and benefit from it. Full disclosure: I consider this version of the session to be a beta version, a first approximation. Though it is a fantastic session, it has a ton of variations and I am wondering if it would be better split up into two session. So when I teach and record it again it will likely be different. THIS version sticks very closely to how Moshe sequenced and taught the session. Again, do as much or as little as you want.
Do you breathe out of both nostrils? Do you use both to speak? How clearly? This session will help you answer those questions and give you (potentially) a whole host of benefits. It can help your breathing, improve your speaking and clean out your nasal passages. Have some tissue nearby just in case! Bye the way - You can do this session however you want - sitting, standing, or lying down.
These are different than previous "seesaw" breathing sessions that you may have done with me as they involve new positions. In particular, you are going to be on your back and on your right side and on your left side at various times. There are also a few movements on your stomach.
These are gentle but complex sessions. Deeply expand your chest and ribs.
Stand, shift your weight, and play with your breathing. Great for balance and organizing yourself for action. It has many subtle effects which you could feel for days and days. Take many pauses for this one.
Further distintions in breathing, standing and walking. From the standpoint of survival - being able to orient our head and eyes, to shift, breathe and move our bodies at a moment's notice - helps us to track prey (like a hunter) and avoid becoming prey (seeing the lion before he sees us).
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