Easy Eyes Volume 2
Five Feldenkrais sessions, done while lying down, including transcripts. Several are very rare and hard to find. Keep your eye movements soft and flexible and stay mobile and independent.
My Personal Guarantee To You
As you likely know already, I stand 100% behind what I sell. I want you to be delighted with these sessions. If you are not satisfied with the material, ask me and you will get your money back - no questions asked.
Here's what you will get:
1. Covering The Eyes (A Classic and Important Session)
Feel the stress melt off your face and eyes and body as you do this session. It is based on an early Alexander Yanai session, AY 10 called "Covering the Eyes." It has been the genesis of MANY later sessions by Moshe's students. In fact, it has been turned into an entire day-long workshop. Suitable for everyone. Once you get the hang of this session, you can do it just about anywhere in any position.
2. Keep Your Eyes On The Ball
This is a fantastic session that has a huge number of non-habitual and unique eye movements. It will help you keep your eyes flexible, soft, and young. It helps your eyes move faster and to orient to unexpected movements in your environment. And it FEELS good. A real pleasure. It is done while lying down. But once you do it a few times, you will be able to adapt the session and do parts of it while sitting and standing.
3. Eyes And Hands
A gentle session, almost like a prayer, that is done sitting comfortably on the floor and while lying down. Can also be done in bed. This session helps your eyes move independently of your neck and spine and hand movements so that you have an easier time orienting to the environment.
4. Easy Eyes And Turning
Short, simple, and very useful. It can improve the functioning of your neck, spine, and eyes. Only 32-minutes. Based on a session recorded by Feldenkrais himself, called "An Easy Start," Feldenkrais envisioned it being done by senior citizens in bed! As you might imagine he thought it was an important session that needed to be done gently, so go slowly, please.
5. Advanced: AY Continuation Until The Eyes
A fascinating session as nearly all the movements come from commonly taught Feldenkrais sessions, but put together in very unique ways. This is a session done primarily lying on the back and on the side. It's from Alexander Yanai. 466 with a title called "Continuation until the Eyes." Use pads whenever you need to - under your head when you're on your back, under your head when you're on your side (etc). Again, it is an advanced session, so go slow and only do what you can do without strain.
Transcripts of the sessions are included at no additional cost. The transcripts are formatted for easy reading and for teaching the sessions.