Eliminate Back Pain Now
Get relief from the very first session. Gain increased flexibility and comfort. Start today and feel better immediately—without painful exercises or stretching.
**Instant Relief for Only $43.61—Over $50 Off!**
These sessions will help you change and eliminate the unconscious movement patterns that cause strain and pain in your back, neck, and spine. Start experiencing freedom from pain without effort.
How? Using simple, time-tested Feldenkrais sensory movements. Movements that show your body new options. No complicated exercises—just easy, effective movements that eliminate unconscious and limiting habits. This allows your body to reduce back pain and ease strain out your entire nervous system.
Feel better without painful exercises or stretching!
Thousands of people have already found relief with these Feldenkrais back pain relief exercises. Since 2007, this program has helped people just like you eliminate back pain and discomfort—and it can work for you, too!
The Eliminate Back Pain NOW series
1. Primary Movements of the Back (30 minutes). A substantial number of people get relief with just this session. Very gentle. Helps you let go of tension and create a flexible back so that pain never occurs. Feel the relief immediately!
2. Turning Through the Spine (35 minutes). - an amazing session that can eliminate strain that you didn't even know you had.
3. Relax and Move the Back (43 minutes). - A session that you will do lying on your left side. Add more ease to your movement and feel more comfortable when you sleep
4. Cat-like Movements of Your Spine. (42 minutes). Have you ever seen a cat or dog gently stretch and lengthen its spine? This session will evoke similar movements for you. A healthy spine is critical to eliminating back pain...this one will help you get there! Imagine stretching and lengthening your spine like a cat—feel the freedom!
5. NEW: Back, Jaw, and Pelvis Connections (35 minutes). Can you LOVE a Feldenkrais session? I certainly can. This session can be thought of as a continuation of "Primary Movements of the Back" above. It adds some unique variations to your back movements and helps integrate your neck and jaw in ways that can deeply relax you. I only recently added this to the series after getting great feedback from many of my students.
Total Relaxation Back Pain Elimination Breathing Sessions
Feel better with every breath you take. Discover complete relaxation through breathing. And eliminate back pain caused by breathing stress. These sessions will amplify your changes from the Eliminate Back Pain Now series by helping your ribs, lungs, and pelvis move easier and simpler, eliminating back pain symptoms caused by muscular tension in these areas.
6. Contracting the Abdomen While Breathing (20 minutes) - this short lesson will relax the heck out of you and open up your back, spine and ribs. This is an important session that appears in Moshe's Awareness Through Movement book and many of his public workshops.
7. Breathing While Twisted (21 minutes) - DEEPLY Relaxing! Let go of tension throughout your back as you breathe.
8. Breathing In All Directions (20 minutes) - Great for middle and upper back pain. Based on an important and classic Feldenkrais session called, "Alexander Yanai #179, To Weld By Breathing."
Plus: Eliminate Back Pain While Sitting (At No Additional Cost)
Great for use at home or office. Get relief from your back pain while sitting in your chair! Do these Feldenkrais sessions anywhere you can sit down. Concentrate better, feel better, and gain increased flexibility and comfort. Get rid of the pain. Begin using them immediately, wherever you are, even on your cellphone.
9. Turning Right and Left (19 minutes) - Turning more easily eliminates back pain stress.
10. Opening and Folding (21 minutes)- this amazing session aligns your back, spine, and rib cage for sitting in comfort.
11. Chasing Your Hip (12 minutes) - a strange little session that "just works".
12. Full Sitting Integration (20 minutes) - put it all together!
All audio MP3s are delivered automatically via email and you can download them and use them immediately. Start today and feel the difference!
Transcripts for all sessions are included at no additional cost.
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