Relax, focus, and get rid of pain and strain while doing these rare and beautiful Feldenkrais audios - at home - while sitting in a chair. These are rarely (almost never) taught to the public. And have been a major part of my routine the last few days. Highly recommended.
1. Bending the Spine In Sitting: If you have done Feldenkrais sessions in a chair before, some of this will be familiar to you. And then it gets into all kinds of unique ways of moving your spine and neck. It is absolutely fascinating. And you will definitely feel differences in how you move during and afterward. Based on Alexander Yanai 146.
2. Standing Up From Chair With Crossed Legs: Sound impossible?! It's not. However, it will help you find some new potential in your body and new "space" in your hip and hip joints, lower back and elsewhere.
3. Twisting and Bending The Spine While Sitting: This is a powerful and fascinating session. But easy to over muscle, so go slowly. It took me a REALLY long time to prepare and edit this one. Nearly 16 hours just to edit the transcript and prepare for recording. I think you are going to like it. Based on Alexander Yanai 148
4. Separated twists on a chair (NEW).This session has a very classic theme (turning) and some classic variations with the head and eyes and shoulders that you may have experienced in sessions done while lying down. Based on AY #469.
5. Differentiated Turning in A Chair (NEW).Relatively gentle and relatively short (33-minutes). You will have a sense of having more integrated and open movement in my shoulders and neck. I hope you do as well. Enjoy!
6. A Pretzel In Sitting (NEW). This is a fun one. Find a stable chair without wheels and take 30 minutes to explore some new movements in your back and spine
FREE BONUSES: A complete 5-session Feldenkrais Chair Series, perfect for beginners. Designed to eliminate pain and strain and reduce stress while sitting. One of my most popular series, a $27 value. Yours for free. Here's what you get:
1. Turning Right and Left (19 minutes)
2. Opening and Folding (21 minutes)
3. Chasing Your Hip (12 minutes)
4. Full Sitting Integration (20 minutes)
5. Relax Shoulders While Sitting (25 minutes)
Free Transcripts of all sessions. Great for preparing your own workshops and to help you understand the structure of Feldenkrais sessions.
I want you to delighted by these Feldenkrais sessions. And I stand 100% behind them. If you are not satisfied with the material, ask me and you will get your money back - no questions asked.