Walking, Volume 2
Do those sessions, and I GUARANTEE you will experience empowering changes in how you stand and walk.
Volume 2: Rare Feldenkrais: Walking With Ease, Power, And Grace
The sessions below are intermediate to advanced sessions. Take your time and stop and rest whenever you want. You may experience some very deep changes in how you walk and how your toes move and "grip" the floor.
1) AY 138: Walking On Your Heels
Walking on your heels is only a small part of this session, so don't let the title mislead you. This is a pervasively USEFUL session that you might feel (in a good way) for days. Done entirely in standing with a short rest in the middle. Please do this one first in the series. At least start it and do the first 20 minutes to the part where I have you move your toes. You will discover new movements and dynamics from your feet up to your head and neck.
2) AY 235: Standing Variations
This session has bits and pieces of 3 or 4 different sessions that Feldenkrais put together from other sessions. It is a real gem.
3) AY 274: Shifting and Breathing ONE
This session is based on AY274 which I call, "Shifting and Breathing." I want to call it a "mental" session, though that is not quite accurate. It is very meditative and is great for balance and organizing yourself for action. It has many subtle effects which you may feel for days...
4) AY 275: Shifting and Breathing TWO
[Can be challenging from a balance perspective. Go slow. Stop whenever you would like] From the standpoint of survival - being able to orient our head and eyes, to shift and move our bodies at a moment's notice - to track prey (like a hunter) and avoid becoming prey (seeing the lion before he sees us) - here are some further distinctions. A continuation of the previous session with some new variations.....
Bonuses To Deepen Your Learning...
The sessions above are 100% in standing (except for some rests lying down). And they are a COMPLETE standing workshop. Do those sessions, all the way through in the order that I presented them above...and I GUARANTEE you will experience some useful and empowering changes in how you walk, and stand.
And below you have several sessions that include portions in standing, lying, and kneeling to help you further integrate the patterns into your being.
5) AY 88: Circle With Hands and Nose In Standing
I call this session "Head And Arm Circles In Standing And Kneeling." If you are pressed for time feel free to do just the first 10 to 15 minutes. I think you will find the movements unique and fascinating. And - they may create some subtle but noticeable differences in how you go about your daily routine. This is my new favorite session!
By the way - This is a great session to experiment with how you do Feldenkrais. You can do the session without lying down for scans or just do one at the end. You can do part or all of it in a chair. Or you can do it as I present on the audio.
Quick note: You may want to lower and rest your arms often in this session, even more than what I suggest on the audio.
6) AY78: Standing
This lovely little session can be quite gentle and quite sensual if you let it. It alternates between standing and lying down.
7) Standing On One Leg (Intense)
As you will hear me say in the intro to this session, this is an "advanced" session and I have never taught it live! (though that will be changing soon) That means I have never seen anyone doing the session. So - go slow and only do what you can do. I wanted to share it with you because the session made such an impact on me years ago when I first did it - even though - I was only able to complete the first few minutes of the session.
I have said this before in other sessions, but will say it again - please do at least the first 5-10 minutes of this session. The starting position alone is worth the journey.....
Transcripts Included At No Additional Charge
Word-for-word written transcripts of the sessions. Very useful if you want to teach these sessions yourself or if English is not your first language.